LASTMINUTE is always on the lookout to build partnerships with foodies, bloggers and any media

0 ~ 99 bookings/month 200 JPY per booking
100 ~ 299 bookings/month 300 JPY per booking
300 ~ 499 bookings/month 400 JPY per booking
500 ~ bookings/month 500 JPY per booking


How do I make money with the LASTMINUTE Affiliate Program ?

- As a LASTMINUTE Affiliate Partner, we will you affiliate fee on bookings that have been accepted and completed through the traffic directed from your website.

- Affiliate fee will be generated from any bookings made within 30 days once a customer visits through your website.

- Value ladder is adapted based on the previous month's performance.

When can I get paid ?

- You will be paid by the end of the month after 2 months from completed booking. (e.g. If the booking is competed in January, the affiliate fee should be paid by the end of March)

- If the total is less than 5,000 JPY, payment will be postponed to the following month or later.

Set up your affiliate account instantly