2024 Michelin Kyoto Italian Restaurant : Mescita Pane e Vino (SELECTED)

updated: July 12th, 2024

Discover Mescita Pane e Vino, a cozy restaurant specializing in aged meat dishes in Kamishichiken, Kyoto. Indulge in their exquisite cuisine paired with orange wine. Located just a 3-minute walk from Karasuma Station. Visit today!

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    Mescita Pane e Vino is a restaurant located in Kamishichiken, Kyoto, Japan.
     It is a cozy restaurant with a seating capacity of 15, including 5 counter seats and 9 table seats.
     Conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from the Karasuma Station, it is easily accessible.
    The restaurant specializes in dishes using aged meat.
     The meat used here has a good chew and is not overly fatty.
     It pairs particularly well with orange wine, which adds a punch to the natural wine.
    The chefs at Mescita Pane e Vino are committed to using quality ingredients and preparing them with care.
     A highly recommended option is the 6000 yen course that allows you to compare and enjoy two different cuts of aged meat, namely the lamp and rib roast.
     You can also add pasta as an extra option.
    In addition to their signature dishes, the restaurant offers a variety of other dishes to enjoy.
     Their homemade bread and vanilla ice cream for dessert are particularly recommended.
    We highly recommend visiting Mescita Pane e Vino.


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