2025 Michelin Tokyo Sushi Restaurant : Jukuseizushi Yorozu (1 star)

updated: October 18th, 2024

Indulge in exquisite aged sushi and culinary delights at Yorozu, a hidden gem in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Experience the rich flavors of their specially aged tuna and savor dishes like Akagai and Shirasu soup and Shirako risotto. Visit Yorozu for a unique dining experience.

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"Yorozu" is a restaurant located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.
 It is a short walk from Ebisu Station and Hiroo Station, or a 5-minute taxi ride.
 The restaurant has a tranquil atmosphere with 6 counter seats.
At "Yorozu," their main focus is on aged sushi.
 They have exceptional aging techniques, particularly with their tuna, which is aged for up to 33 days, resulting in a deep and rich flavor.
 The chef has a curiosity for ingredients and provides detailed explanations, offering both a satisfying culinary experience and knowledge.
In addition to their signature aged sushi, "Yorozu" also serves other dishes.
 Examples include the "Soup with Akagai and Shirasu (from Lake Shinji)" and the "Risotto with Shirako (milt).
" Each dish showcases the chef's commitment to quality ingredients and culinary skills, delivering a pursuit of deliciousness.
The proprietor and chefs at "Yorozu" pay meticulous attention to ingredient selection and cooking methods, offering not only aged sushi but also a variety of dishes.
 This has made "Yorozu" a hidden gem loved by many.
We invite you to visit "Yorozu" and indulge in their exquisite cuisine and unique dining experience.



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