Discover the delicious and tranquil world of "Wadaya Bettei Nishiazabu," a restaurant produced by Akiko Wada. Indulge in delectable Japanese cuisine and shabu-shabu in Tokyo's Minato-ku. Located near Hiroo Station, this hidden gem offers a serene ambiance and a mouthwatering beef shabu-shabu experience. Don't miss out on their original hot pots and takeout options. Experience the culinary marvels of Wadaya Bettei Nishiazabu today!
"Wadaya Bettei Nishiazabu" is a restaurant located in Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
It is a 7-minute walk from Hiroo Station and is also accessible from Roppongi Station and Nogizaka Station.
The restaurant has 28 seats, including counter seats, table seats, and private rooms that can accommodate up to 12 people.
This restaurant is known for being produced by Aki Yawada, the niece of Akiko Wada.
The cuisine is a combination of creative Japanese cuisine and shabu-shabu, with the beef shabu-shabu being particularly popular.
It is characterized by the enjoyment of beef sirloin with eggs and condiments, and the taste is excellent.
In addition to the quality of the food, the ambiance of the restaurant is also highly praised.
Beautifully designed utensils and a calm atmosphere create a serene atmosphere.
"Wadaya Bettei Nishiazabu" also offers original hot pots that use meticulously selected ingredients such as kelp, miso, and soy sauce.
There are also hot pots based on red wine or white wine, which will satisfy wine enthusiasts.
The chefs at this restaurant are dedicated to using high-quality ingredients and preparing them with care.
The beef shabu-shabu, in particular, received praise and many customers expressed their desire to order it again on their next visit.
While "Wadaya Bettei Nishiazabu" is attracting attention as a restaurant produced by Akiko Wada, there is room for improvement in terms of customer service.
As it seems to be a popular place for business entertaining, some customers expressed their desire for improved customer service.
Lastly, "Wadaya Bettei Nishiazabu" also offers takeout service, where you can enjoy dishes such as fatty tuna lunch boxes and sukiyaki hot pot sets.
With reasonable prices and delicious, satisfying food, it is a takeout service that makes you want to repeat if you are in the area.
"Wadaya Bettei Nishiazabu" is known as a restaurant produced by Akiko Wada and attracts customers with its delicious food and tranquil atmosphere.
Please visit once and experience it for yourself.