2022 Michelin Tokyo Portuguese Restaurant : Mar de Cristiano (Bib Gourmand)

updated: July 19th, 2024

Experience the flavors of Portugal at Mar de Cristiano, a top-notch restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo. Enjoy a wide selection of delectable dishes and rare wines in a laid-back atmosphere. Don't miss out on this unique culinary experience. Book your table today!

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    Mar de Cristiano is a restaurant located in Shibuya, Tokyo.
     It is conveniently situated just a minute's walk from Yoyogi Park Station and Yoyogi Hachiman Station.
     The restaurant provides a spacious dining area with 38 seats.
    At Mar de Cristiano, you can enjoy Portuguese cuisine.
     It is particularly renowned for its wide selection of low-alcohol white wines, perfect for a casual and enjoyable experience.
     The dishes are all delicious, and you won't be disappointed.
     Despite its upscale vibe, the restaurant maintains a casual atmosphere, making it ideal for inviting friends and loved ones.
    The chefs excel in Portuguese culinary techniques and offer unique dishes and wines.
     The service is exceptional, and the sommeliers are distinctive and charming.
    Signature dishes include a salad with radish and gorgonzola cheese, homemade cod croquettes, as well as a salad with tofu noodles, pork and clams with couscous, and a bean soup.
     Many dishes feature the characteristic Portuguese flavors of cumin and coriander, creating a delectable and distinctive taste.
    Mar de Cristiano is a fantastic restaurant to enjoy Portuguese cuisine.
     With its delicious dishes and rare wines, coupled with a laid-back atmosphere, it is definitely worth a visit.


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