2024 Michelin Tokyo Japanese Restaurant : Seisoka (2 star)

updated: January 19th, 2024

Seisoka: Authentic Japanese cuisine in Minato City, Tokyo. Experience the essence of Japanese culinary art in a serene atmosphere.

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    [Seisoka] Located in Minamiazabu, Minato City, Tokyo, Seisoka is a renowned Japanese restaurant established in 2008.
     The name of the restaurant derives from the serene atmosphere surrounded by lush greenery, reminiscent of "the tranquil space enveloped by verdant grass and trees" mentioned by Kitaoji Rosanjin.
     Situated within the precincts of Tengenji Temple, visitors can truly feel connected to nature.
    Specializing in Cha-kaiseki, Seisoka offers authentic Japanese cuisine as its mainstay.
     With a team of chefs hailing from Shuufukurou, a renowned restaurant in Shiga Prefecture, they have not only earned a prestigious Michelin two-star rating but have also fostered many talents, who have gone on to establish their own notable Japanese restaurants.
    The interior of the restaurant exudes a charming gallery-like ambiance, featuring private rooms as well as counter seats.
     The tableware, highly valued for their artistic merits, are carefully selected by the owner, Sanae Nagasaka, who herself has a deep appreciation for art.
     Thus, in addition to the exceptional culinary experience, guests can also relish the overall aesthetic atmosphere.
    The lunch course at Seisoka offers beautifully presented seasonal dishes.
     Guests can expect delightful combinations such as caviar and fresh tomato, or be amazed by the exquisite broth of steamed abalone.
     Moreover, every dish, from the sushi-wrap with horse mackerel to the eel simmered in Yamato style, exhibits a depth of flavor that showcases the essence of each ingredient.
    A visit to Seisoka provides not only an exploration of the profound world of Japanese cuisine but also a visual feast akin to appreciating artworks.
     The dishes, crafted using seasonal ingredients, offer both visual and gustatory satisfaction.
    This is definitely a restaurant worth revisiting, allowing oneself to experience the changing seasons through its culinary offerings.




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